Monthly Archives

February 2012


Things You Can’t Do In IE8

It is February of the year two thousand and twelve, and while overall web stats claim that older Internet Explorer versions account for only ~ 15% of web traffic, the reality for your business could be quite different. What if you are looking to update your (company's) website for the new year, but find that the majority of your visitors have not updated their web browsers in the past year (IE9 was released on 3/14/11)? While it may be true…
February 3, 2012

Artist David Choe Collabs With Mr. Zuckerberg Not only is David Choe known for doing amazingly off the wall crazy cool things with his artistic talent, he is now worth 200 million in facebook stock. Not bad for doing what you love and being fully expressed. Much love to artists that live by their own means and get paid like rock stars. Also check out his show called "Thumbs Up"
February 3, 2012