
Trends in Digital Development: From Code
to Machine

By September 18, 2008 No Comments

There’s the software, but what about trends in hardware? These are just as important, whether it is the new generation of laptops, printers, scanners, mobile units, and most importantly: servers.

Depending on what business you’re in, you may still get by with those old desktops employees have been utilizing since 2002, or you may see an increase of sales and a 300% ROI by investing in the new smaller, sleeker laptops, easy to carry, easy to use, perhaps using the best in innovative mobile technology such as Qualcomm’s Gobi Solution.

Whether you have three computers networked for an at-home business, or 100 employees all working off the same dedicated server, or your business is hosted on an outside device, those servers should be as up-to-date as possible with technological trends, in good shape, and reliable.

Do you need your own server? This will depend on the business requirements of each company and product, security issues, and how much traffic comes in. Servers will crash if there is too much traffic and we don’t want that—we want a continued, increasing flow of traffic, thus the technology must handle the demand.

20 Minutes of Your Time, You Can Succeed Online
Thinking of a new look, a new presence on the Internet? How your company can achieve 300% ROI? What kind of server needs your company requires? The team at Ninthlink asks for just 20 minutes of your time—we are certain we can pinpoint the pains, come up with the solution, and explain the basic steps toward your online success story.

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