Monthly Archives

September 2008


Free Burgers?!

Russell, you win this one. I was all like "gamble with Tony Hawk", and he replies with "go fill out that form and get a FREE burger from Bareback." So yea, click that image, fill out the quick First/Last Name / phone / email, and apparently, you get an email certificate for a free burger. In the industry, they always say "location location location", right? Maybe? I made that up, but, this is extra exciting news for us, as Bareback…
September 23, 2008

80s Casino Night with Tony Hawk and Ronald McDonald

OK so maybe Ronald McDonald himself won't be there, but its always nice to see other companies jumping on goodness that we at Ninthlink picked up a month or two ago. Quality Over Quantity - Why USA Online Casinos Are Superior Back in 1996, the explosion of online casino gambling swept the world. The United States had been a large part of this, and many gamblers had turned to online casinos for all of their gaming. For many years, these…
September 23, 2008

The Many Benefits of Outsourcing

Sometimes a Group Mind is Better Than One Today I’d like to discuss the benefits of outsourcing. I’m not talking about phone representatives in India, but hiring a one company, such as Ninthlink, to do a certain long-term project or task rather than hiring a new employee, which most likely will cost a company more in time and revenue. (more…)
September 23, 2008

The Importance of Meta Tags

In this next installment of the fine points of blogging, I would like to discuss the nature and function of meta tagging. While this is more for developers and webmasters, bloggers should be aware of the meta components of websites that help increase one’s online presence. (more…)
September 22, 2008

Today is a great day to :-)

Today marks the 26th birthday of Emoticons which was first created by Scott Fahlman, a Carnegie Mellon University Professor, who posted a bulletin in response to a message on an electronic bulletin board from the computer-science department. The original use was intended to be used as a marker to differentiate between joke-based bulletins and those that are not jokes in order to avoid misunderstandings. Visit to read the original post. Thanks Scott  :-)
September 19, 2008