Monthly Archives

September 2010


Affiliate Marketing: Choosing an Affiliate Network

For some companies, affiliate marketing is a great way to increase sales and online visibility at a very reasonable price in comparison to traditional avenues where you pay strictly for impressions, which, as we all know, don’t necessarily contribute to your bottom line.  While signing up for an affiliate program and having hundreds, perhaps thousands of affiliates start pushing your brand may sound easy, there is actually quite a bit of work involved and a number of Do’s and Don’ts…
September 16, 2010

Props Where Props are Due : Google Talk Chatback Widget

In the first of what I hope to be a set of weekly posts, I would like to call out Thanks to the plugins that make our new site possible. In particular, this week I am thankful for the Google Talk Chatback Widget plugin, which now appears in the floating footer across our site, whenever anyone chooses to Chat with a Pro. (more…)
September 16, 2010

There’s a new Evite in town

Fantasy interactive has re-designed the worlds favorite electronic invite website aka Thanks to these amazing Swedish designers you can now create your evites with ease and keep track and socialize with your evite. The site is currently in beta stage so it is not overflowing with evite goodness but it is worth playing around with. I love the work of Fantasy Interactive, keep up the goodness.
September 16, 2010

Take analog pictures with your iPhone

I heart analog photos. The Hipstamatic App for the iPhone is simply amazing. You can buy different film, lenses, and flashes to get your snap on. You can instantly share to Facebook and email photos as you take them. And dropping soon is the ability to purchase up to 10 inch prints of your photos. Be advised this app can swallow hours of your life and give your finger a cramp. (more…)
September 15, 2010