Big ups to Rosey at sd:dialedin for pointing out what looks to be a rad film coming up at Sundance 2012 : I Am Not A Hipster. Directed by local San Diegan Destin Cretton, a couple of scenes were even shot at the Casbah, just down the hill from here. The soundtrack was courtesy of the most-excellent Joel P West, and I think you can check it out on its own at . I know I’ll be lookin forward to it.
Alex Chousmith
Alex has been building with Ninthlink since '06, and a San Diegan since the turn of the century. A background of Mathematics – Computer Science / Interdisciplinary Computing & Arts from UCSD, plus Drupal / WordPress / jQuery / CSS3 / HTML5 / bass guitar / homebrew skill, powers him to get the job done, no matter what.