Monthly Archives

June 2012


jQuery UI Touch Punch

No, not Kickpuncher - I'm talking about Touch Punch. If you updated to WordPress 3.4 yesterday or today, and read the New Features notes closely, maybe you were like me, intrigued by the new inclusion of "jQuery UI Touch Punch". I mean, it certainly sounds cool - what else do you need? Well, what else it does, is help make all the excellent jQuery UI abilities, like Draggability, sliders, and more, work nicely on touch devices like your (i)Phone /…
June 14, 2012

Google + Local New Scoring System

Google + Local has replaced its star ratings with a new scoring system. Individual reviews are also counted different. Where a "3" is "excellent, a "2" is "very good", a "1" is "good" and a "0" is "poor". Google then takes these ratings and averages them out to give the business a "score" between 0 and 30 - with a 30 being the best you can do. What this means to most businesses is that you must continue to provide…
June 13, 2012