Monthly Archives

November 2007


Green Art Show Rocked

I had the honor to do a painting for an art show titled green. Along side a list of 40 other well acclaimed artists I produced a 24" x 24" wood canvas titled Thanks for the Holiday. The goal was to explore human interaction with nature. This show is on exhibit until December 22 at Robert Berman Gallery in Santa Monica. Big Thanks to Mark Murphy at for curating this show and including me in the shear awsomeness. (more…)
November 21, 2007

Long Drives and Libraries

Tracy and I were returning today from a client meeting discussing a really fascinating concept on the future generations and their relationship with technology and devices. We painted a picture of how transparent and connected our personal information will be in the near future utilizing knowledge systems and data warehouses tied to corporate profiles. With 3G and 4G networks just around the corner we will be will be uploading and downloading information based on our geographic locations, submissions to friend…
November 20, 2007

Tax Deductible?

Fourth (4) quarter is a time to ask "Tax Deductible?". Check with your accountant and see if your servers & website are tax deductible. This might be the right moment to give your corporate website a FRESH look or build one from scratch. Of course, Ninthlink will help you with any of your web development needs! Contact me for a FREE needs analysis. [email protected]
November 20, 2007

Customer Retention Tips for Success

Developing a successful retention program takes a lot of creativity and planning compared to search engine marketing. There are no cookie cutter approaches, but there are some guidelines to think about. First, remember value exchange. (more…)
November 9, 2007