Oh yea! Sunday, August 24th, 2008, from 11am – 3pm, the AIGA San Diego is hosting a Beach Bash on Mission Bay, off Crown Point Drive, in San Diego. Potentially little-known, probably harmless, Ninthlink fact? At least 3 Ninthlink’ers live less than 1 mile from this event. I myself will be in San Francisco next weekend, and from 11am – 3pm I plan to still be recovering from that which can only be called Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers, but you, you don’t have an excuse. It’s a Beach Bash.
Alex Chousmith
Alex has been building with Ninthlink since '06, and a San Diegan since the turn of the century. A background of Mathematics – Computer Science / Interdisciplinary Computing & Arts from UCSD, plus Drupal / WordPress / jQuery / CSS3 / HTML5 / bass guitar / homebrew skill, powers him to get the job done, no matter what.