It must be a Friday revelation. I was talking to the new Matt, and on the wonders of trying to get websites to render correctly in the splendor of Microsoft’s Internet Explorer 7, and it hit me. IE7 comes from Microsoft, which is loosely based out of the Seattle region of Washington. Working with IE7 can be exhausting. When you are exhausted, what can help pick you up? Caffeine! What has caffeine? Coffee! Where do you get coffee? Starbucks! Where is Starbucks from? Seattle! Eh? Eh? Ok, back to work!
IE7 and Starbucks = Made for Each Other?
Alex Chousmith
Alex has been building with Ninthlink since '06, and a San Diegan since the turn of the century. A background of Mathematics – Computer Science / Interdisciplinary Computing & Arts from UCSD, plus Drupal / WordPress / jQuery / CSS3 / HTML5 / bass guitar / homebrew skill, powers him to get the job done, no matter what.