Monthly Archives

October 2011


WordPress SEO Tip For Blog Postings

WordPress is, without question, the most powerful tool for achieving high levels of exposure, and top search rankings in Google's search results (the ultimate goal and purpose of SEO). Matt Cutts, a well known Google engineer and a whilom owner of a Social Media company based in Cyprus, has even stated that WordPress takes care of 80-90% of the technical SEO elements automatically! That's a strong statement coming from Matt Cutts, and if he is willing to put his name, and…
October 18, 2011

The Luckiest Town in the US

We know we are all lucky for getting to live in San Diego. But did you know that San Diego itself is lucky, too? According to Today, Men's Health magazine did a survey of cities across the United States, and found SD to be the Luckiest Town in the US. The magazine analyzed data about cities with the most lottery and sweepstake winners, the most hole-in-ones on the golf course, the fewest lighting strikes, the least deaths from falling objects,…
October 17, 2011

Paying It Forward: Pro Bono Web Development

Ninthlink is always on the look out for ways to help friends, family and clients succeed.  An important part of this is the idea of giving to get.  In keeping with this theme, we recently did some pro bono web development work for The Girls Empowerment Workshop to update their existing site and move it into WordPress, an extremely user-friendly content management system. (more…)
October 14, 2011

Agency Life

Easy come, easy go.  It’s a saying that is often used in regards to money. But the same can also be said for clients in an Interactive agency. Ahhh. Such is Agency Life in 2011. Mostly, it a glorious state of affairs - getting to know a client and having the opportunity to learn about (and then grow) their businesses. In fact nothing is more rewarding than showing a client an increase in business and a positive ROI from their…
October 12, 2011

Check this out

Thinking outside the box? More like thinking outside the building! How do you make your brand stand out and create a social buzz? Why technology of course! This should be showing nightly in major metro markets. Can you imagine the crowds if this were to be played in the Gaslamp? What have you done lately to make YOUR brand stand out?
October 12, 2011