Things we do and things we like.


Face Your Christmas

Our new Christmas micro site was a huge success this year. We had thousands of people create, share and enjoy. If you haven't checked it out yet...DO IT. All you have to do is click on the image above. A case study is soon to follow with the launch of our new site.
January 4, 2008

Social Networks aren’t just for 18-32 year olds

According to a recent eMarketer report, 2 of the fastest growing search terms in 2007 are social networking sites dedicated to kids and early teens. It's cool to see that just because Myspace and Facebook are getting all the press time, you can't count out the fact that this technology can be utilized to reach any demographic or need.
December 13, 2007

Digital Ad Spending Forecasts Good, traditional not so

If you are in the advertising industry you know that annual ad spend is directly related to economic issues. When the economy starts a recession or decline, then the industry does the same (its a very cyclical environment). New forecasts that came out from ZenithOptimedia show this exact relationship, but they also point out something completely good for those of us in the digital space. Online ad spending is being forecast to see a climb from $36billion to $44.6billion, or…
December 7, 2007