


Plumbing Needs? Get Out Your Smartphone!

We launched a mobile version of, optimized for viewing on smartphones and other mobile web devices. This particular mobile-friendly version uses the same font, colors, and URL structure (to support existing online marketing campaigns) as the standard corporate site and contains links to main services, customer reviews, coupons, and of course, a contact page with direct push to call functionality. With 25% of Americans accessing the mobile web on a daily basis, a number which continues to rise, it’s…
June 30, 2011

The WordPress Economy : Billion with a B

Hot off the social networks this Monday morning is an article over at TheNextWeb about the Billion dollar economy that has sprouted up around the "free" (open-source) system that is WordPress (the image above comes from there as well). There is a solid 5 paragraph overview of how WordPress has come to be. It then goes on to outline that massive economy : from companies dedicated to selling Themes and Plugins that are either half or wholely under the GPL,…
May 23, 2011
DesignDevelopmentMarketingPress / News

Architecture To The Max : Redone

Husband and wife Taal Safdie and Ricardo Rabines, and the rest of their team, do some righteous architecture work around San Diego and the world, and when they wanted a new look for their own website, they came to Ninthlink. Their requests were to keep the site super clean, while showcasing their work in the most real estate (pun intended?) possible. So that is what lead designer Craig, and myself on the development side, delivered in the new (more…)
May 20, 2011

Ever Wonder How Google Works Around Your Poor Spelling?

How Google Works: A Visual, Interactive Explanation This interactive road map takes you through the anatomy of a search, from the moment you type in your query to the results page and additionally covers some of Google's milestones such as the creation of Gmail in 2004 and Street View in 2007.  Each step in the process is broken down and explained visually - a pretty remarkable process considering search results pages are displayed  almost instantaneously (total time: 0.25 seconds). Back…
May 17, 2011