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March 2009


Don’t Sugar Coat It: Today’s Business Leaders Must Project Confidence, Courage, and Pragmatism

In times of both economic prosperity and uncertainy, the strength, stamina, confidence, enthusiasm, and positive outlook of leaders are needed in all sectors of society -- whether that leader is the President of the United States, a Senator,  CEO, COO, teacher, professor, pastor, reverend,  office manager, volunteer coordinator, and head of household, it is natural that some are born to lead the various flocks of communities: this is their calling, and burden. Such a role has great responsibility, with ethical…
March 25, 2009

2009 Trends: Rebate Checks for Online Travel/Lodging

Recently, a friend emailed that the hotel market is a bust in Manhattan, due to the currecnt economy, and booked a trip -- flight, hotel, car -- to the Big Apple at a very reasonable rate.  "But a week before I left," he said, "prices dropped, I could have saved $200!" Car insurance is expensive, especially for young persons buying first time car insurance. They are the drivers who are least experienced and often have poor driving records. Unfortunately a…
March 23, 2009

Twitter Toddler Now Three, Grows 1300%

Hundreds of thousands -- maybe even millions -- of three-word Tweets flooded the digital realm on Saturday, March 21: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TWITTER. Twitter is now 3 years old. As Ben Parr at states:  "Can you believe that the micro-blogging service Twitter is already three years old? Well, it’s true. Three years ago from today, Twitter Co-founder Jack Dorsey sent his first Tweet and, together with Evan Williams, Biz Stone and others, created a social media company that has grown over 1300% in the last year. (more…)
March 22, 2009

Surfing Blogger Artists

Aside from your typical Hollywood jib jab and pre-conceived notions of surfers and their eccentric culture, there is a ubiquitous sub-genre that stems from artistic expression and the hay-days of surfing. These guys have elegantly fused the world of surfing with a passion sparked by flat spells and diverse artistic abilities - and they're bringing it to the world via blogging. (more…)
March 19, 2009