Monthly Archives

August 2011


Ninthlink Gets Another Office Mascot?

We all love our official Ninthlink mascot, Arnold (and wish him a speed recover from the grips of The Cone). But once in a while, it is handy when the office is doggy-free. Like when Matt goes to pick his backpack up, and finds a lizard, just chillin. Lucky for us, David came to the rescue. After the lizard relieved itself in his hands, and posed for another picture, it was released into the outdoor jungle that is our back…
August 17, 2011

Real Nice Ad for Puma

National Forest – Puma "The Games We Play" Montage from National Forest on Vimeo. I just got an email from the guys over at National Forest and they helped design and create the set design for this Puma ad. All I can say is that this whole project looks like a lot of fun (albeit seemingly quite laborious). Check out the creative process over at the National Forest website.
August 11, 2011

Meet Marshall: Ninthlink’s Student Guest for the Day

Today we had the pleasure of welcoming a new face to the office as Marshall, an incoming sophomore at the Dehesa Charter School and future/aspiring web developer, designer, and master of all things online was given a behind the scenes look at exactly what it is we do all day. (more…)
August 10, 2011
DesignDevelopmentMarketingPress / News

Ninthlink + Petunia Pickle Bottom Lookbook

"Born out of a desire to bring style and sophistication to the world of modern parenting, Petunia Pickle Bottom was founded in 2000 by a trio of people who pay homage to the chic mommy who makes a statement without saying a word." When they wanted to replace the static images on their homepage with a javascript-powered "Lookbook" to showcase their new Fall 2011 collection, they came to Ninthlink. I must give credit to Tom Doyle for the starting point…
August 2, 2011

The Age of Transparency

In online marketing, the old adage used-to-be that if you built it, marketed it and optimized it, they would come. A top ranking in Google could be achieved through search engine optimization techniques and you’d have all the traffic you wanted to your site. Over the years, however, people got tired of going to websites that were “over-optimized” and didn’t answer their needs. Google and the other engines started updating their rankings less on algorithm manipulations and based positioning on…
August 1, 2011