


Twitter gives you the bird

Looks like Twitter is steering away from it's old icons and forcing us good web dev teams to make changes to all sites that use the old Twitter icon. They give us the bird with new guidelines that they outline here. They DON'T Allow the birds referenced above : Talking birds, dying birds, a family of birds, really blue birds, birds on the ground, cartoon birds or birds with hair, SO BE CAREFUL HOW YOU GIVE THE BIRD! (more…)
June 14, 2012

jQuery UI Touch Punch

No, not Kickpuncher - I'm talking about Touch Punch. If you updated to WordPress 3.4 yesterday or today, and read the New Features notes closely, maybe you were like me, intrigued by the new inclusion of "jQuery UI Touch Punch". I mean, it certainly sounds cool - what else do you need? Well, what else it does, is help make all the excellent jQuery UI abilities, like Draggability, sliders, and more, work nicely on touch devices like your (i)Phone /…
June 14, 2012

Internationalization: Now Available in 8 Languages

Last month we posted a blog about flipping Turn's existing website, originally built in WordPress, to the more powerful and flexible Drupal content management system.  As we mentioned, one of the main reasons behind this is Drupal's ability to handle more complex features and functionality.  One important feature, which we spent the first couple of weeks in May working on is Internationalization. (more…)
May 31, 2012

Schema In Action

Not too long ago, the search engines announced a uniformed way to make better sense of the content on the web. They called it Schema. The goal was to use a new markup language that would enable website authors to tag their content, a feat that would ultimately help the engines organize and serve up more meaningful results. The engines said Schema was coming and some in the optimization community took notice. About a year had passed since that fateful…
May 25, 2012