Things we do and things we like.


Feeling the Lag? Test Your Connection!

The FCC has launched a new broadband speed test site at to give consumers a “trusted” source with which to test their connections at various times during the day. The test is performed by a basic Java app that is free to download. You can go elsewhere, though, if you don’t trust big government systems. is one of the longest running testing/forum sites that allows you to record your testing histories and compare them with other customers in…
March 15, 2010

Mobile Trends: Lenovo Sees the “It” Factor

At the Consumer Electronics Show back in January, Lenovo unveiled a smartphone running Google's Android platform which it plans to release in the Chinese market soon. Lenovo is betting that the mobile Internet will be “it” for growth over the next few years. If you want to buy some of these electronics, you should definitely get some electronics coupons. (more…)
March 15, 2010